AI Ambassador

AI Ambassador
The AI Ambassador project aims to implement a virtual assistant that emulate human-like conversational behavior, facilitating communication on HKUST campus using common dialogue in Hong Kong in a more efficient manner. The AI Ambassador has a human-like character with humanoid posture, facial expressions, and movements to make students feel like they are talking to a real person. With advanced AI technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text-to-Speech (TTS), students can initiate normal conversations with the kiosk in English, Cantonese, or Putonghua, with responses provided in both text and speech formats, particularly catering to students with special educational needs (SEN).
What is the problem this project is trying to address?
The project addresses the challenge of time-consuming searches for information on university websites, which is compounded for SEN students who may struggle with traditional human-machine interaction methods. Staff members also experience an increased workload from answering the same questions repeatedly. The deployment of AI Ambassador presents an opportunity to significantly reduce the time and cost associated with addressing the concerns of both students and staff members.
How does this project support our sustainable smart campus as a living lab vision?
The AI Ambassador supports HKUST's sustainable smart campus as a living lab vision by improving responses to frequently asked questions through continuous machine learning and implementing ChatGPT. Its applicability can extend beyond the traditional scope of a department or office. The unmanned smart AI Ambassador can contribute to managing unforeseen circumstances in the future, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, and offer a modern approach to information provision that meets the expectations of students in the post-COVID world. AI machine learning reduces staff time spent on creating repositories and knowledge sharing/training by enabling perpetual knowledge recording. Over time, the AI ambassador will be able to recommend eco-friendly initiatives for implementation of students/staff in daily lives, such as green transportation and sustainable practices, facilitate efficient reviews, and drive changes to our business practices.