Real-time 3D model of our campus for more efficient operation and planning

Passive radiative cooling paint to remove heat and save energy

Improving sleep hygiene through sleeping pods

Harvesting fresh greens through aquaponics system

Do you know our feathered friends on campus?

Are you ready for the campus of tomorrow today?

Sustainable and smart are two sides of the same coin


Transforming Our Campus

The HKUST Sustainable Smart Campus as a Living Lab (SSC) is an effort to transform our campus into one where the campus itself is a platform for learning, experimenting, and showcasing new ideas and approaches.

Campus Outdoor Air Quality 1 - 10 Rating (1-excellent)

Right now
3,461 kWh

Total daily renewable generation

8,497,159 kWh

Total energy consumption (Monthly) [whole campus]

Last month
2,974 bottles

Number of water bottles saved (Daily)

170 tonnes

Total waste in HKUST [Monthly]

Last month
88 tonnes

Total recycling in HKUST [Monthly]

Last month

Number of people waiting at South Gate bus station

Right now

Number of people waiting at North gate bus station

Right now

Commitment of the University


Sustainable and smart are two elements that work exceptionally well together. Sustainability is a powerful set of concepts that can highlight a brighter future. However, it needs pioneering actions and technologies to unwrap the vast potential of a sustainable world. Smart represents that pioneering spirit, but needs the guardrails of sustainability to ensure positive impacts that improve our lives and our environment. Using our own university as a test-bed for research and testing new ideas, we embrace the framework of using our campus as a living lab, valuing the inputs of our very own community.

The HKUST Sustainable Smart Campus as a Living Lab is the combined effort of teams, where the mixture of ideas of people from different disciplines and backgrounds germinate the seeds of innovation. Through trial and error, revising, tweaking, and always being open to new ideas, the projects are never quite finished; rather they are works in progress, and a true reflection of the spirit of our HKUST community.